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Date Topic Audio
2020-12-28 Decision Making About Where to Go: I am getting some resistance from my children who don't seem to want me to move closer to them?
2020-12-28 Pre-Trib Rapture to Avoid Tribulation: Could you discuss the idea that a pre-trib rapture would give us hope, but if it doesn't happen before, then we would have no hope of being rescued from it? [Matthew 25, Revelation 19, Revelation 20, John 5:28-29, Acts 24:15, Matthew 24:21, I Thessalonians 4:16-18].
2020-12-28 Drinking Alcohol for Better Health: Should I take a shot of whiskey every day, as it seems to be suggested in Proverbs? [Proverbs 31:6].
2020-12-28 The Bible as the Word of God: What are some good arguments to convince unbelievers that the Bible is the Word of God?
2020-12-23 God's Emotions & The Judgment: Is it possible that since God has emotion, He could also be fallible when full of emotion during the judgment?
2020-12-23 Dispensationalism Delusion: How can we begin to understand Dispensationalism as an "end time delusion"?
2020-12-23 Once Saved All is Not Well: Caller shares his experience of having upheaval in his life once he came to the Lord, rather than things being easier.
2020-12-23 Loving Oneself: Could you talk about the biblical idea of loving oneself? [Ephesians 5:29, John 15:13].
2020-12-23 Steve's Newest Books: Steve talks about his two new books.
2020-12-23 Donald Trump is Antichrist: Caller sees Donald Trump as the antichrist and shares his view. [Daniel 7:26, Revelation 13, 2 Peter 1:20].
2020-12-23 The Papacy as the Antichrist: Were all the notable theologians of the past who named the papacy as the antichrist, mistaken?
2020-12-23 Will We Remember Our Past & Loved Ones in Heaven: When we get to heaven, will we remember our past loved ones? [Isaiah 65:17, Jeremiah 3:16].
2020-12-23 Amillennialism & The Man of Sin: How does Amillennialism see the "Man of Sin" in 2 Thessalonians? [2 Thessalonians 2].
2020-12-23 Believe His Works: How are we to understand Jesus when he said if you have a hard time believing in me, then believe in what I am doing? [John 10:38].
2020-12-22 Sin Not Always Repulsive: Why is it that sometimes I find certain sins repulsive and other times not so? [Proverbs 4:23, I John 1:9]].
2020-12-22 The Importance of Pronouncing Jesus: Is the idea that God can't hear you, unless you know the proper pronunciation of Jesus (Jeshua) total nonsense?
2020-12-22 The Name Jeshua or (Yeshua): What do you make of those who think that Jeshua (Yeshua, Jesus) means Zeus?
2020-12-22 Having to Answer for Our Past Sins: If God instituted the new covenant, and our sins are remembered no more, are we still going to have to still answer for our sins? [Jeremiah 31:34, 2 Corinthians 5:10, I Peter 1:17, James 2:14-18, I Corinthians 11:31, I John 1:7-9].
2020-12-22 The Virgin Birth's Relevance to the Gospel: If the virgin birth was not part of the text, what harm would be done to the gospel?
2020-12-22 Casting Out Demons: Is it true that you have to cast out demons if you are a pastor?
2020-12-22 Holidays: Is it a sin to celebrate holidays?
2020-12-22 Isaiah's Prophecy of the Messiah: Could you help me understand the beginning of Isaiah 9, particularly verse 5? [Isaiah 9:1-9, Zechariah 9:1-9, John 8:31-32].
2020-12-22 Dispensationalism: Is there one resource where you can find all of John Nelson Darby's points in Dispensationalism (rec lecture, When Shall These Things Be)?
2020-12-22 Scriptural Reassurance in Time of Crisis: Can you give me some scriptural reassurance during this terrible time of loss and broken family in my life? [Psalms].
2020-12-22 Virgin Birth Isn't the virgin birth in Isaiah? [Isaiah 7:14].
2020-12-22 Christian Marriage with Confict: If I have found someone who love the Lord, will I still have conflict in my marriage (rec: lectures at Topical Lectures/ under "Individual Topical Lectures"/ "How to Love your wife as Christ Loved the Church")?
2020-12-22 New Administration, the Antichrist: Is the new administration the antichrist?
2020-12-21 Steve Gregg's Cornerstone Passages: Could you share some cornerstone passages for Christology & eschatology? [Psalm 110, Matthew 24:15, Matthew 7:1 John 1:1].
2020-12-21 The Woman in Revelation: Could you clarify the meaning of the woman in Revelation 12? [Revelation 12:1-6, Genesis 37:9, Psalm 2:8-9].
2020-12-21 Trinity and Oneness: Is the trinity doctrine less accurate than the "Oneness" doctrine? [Colossians 2:9, Luke 11:20].
2020-12-21 Not Being Confused or Persuaded Wrongly: How do you not get pulled into alternate views of scripture when there are so many opposing and convincing preachers teaching variations within denominations? [Revelation 13].
2020-12-21 Biblical Writers Use of Words & Language: Do you look at the way the Biblical authors use certain words in your study?
2020-12-21 Jesus the Beginning of Creation: Could you help me understand the meaning of the Greek word for "beginning" in this verse about Jesus being the "beginning of creation" in Revelation? [Revelation 3:14, John 1:1-3, Colossians 1:15-16].
2020-12-21 Prophetic Warning: What do you think about my experience 34 years ago when I had a prompting from God to warn the world about nuclear destruction ?
2020-12-21 Mary & Joseph Married or Not: Could you help me sort out if Mary & Joseph were married or espoused (betrothed)? [Matthew 1, Luke 2].
2020-12-21 Sproul's View of Depravity: Caller corrects Steve about his view of Sproul's concept of total depravity. [Acts 10, Acts 15].
2020-12-18 Laying Up Treasure on Earth: Could you speak on the apparent contradiction between not laying up treasure on earth, and the preparation for the obligation to take care of one's family? [Matthew 6:19-21].
2020-12-18 The Kingdom of God: What is the Kingdom of God (or Heaven)? [Mark 4:30, Revelation 21:2, Revelation 11:17].
2020-12-18 Obligation to Evangelize: Do we have the responsibility to make sure everyone gets saved? [Revelation 3:21, Matthew 7:13-14].
2020-12-18 Christadelphians: Is the Christadelphian group a cult?
2020-12-18 The Conviction of the Holy Spirit: What do you recommend regarding taking care to not squelch the prompting and conviction of the Holy Spirit [I Corinthians 11:30-32]. (The answer is given after the break as Steve was muted.)
2020-12-18 The Good News from Jesus: What did Jesus tell people about His sacrifice, and what the good news was?
2020-12-18 Adam & Eve's Awareness of Death: How did Adam & Eve understand "death" if there had not yet been death?
2020-12-18 Pharmakeia & The Vaccine: Is the vaccine basically what the Bible refers to as "pharmakeia"? [Revelation 9:21].
2020-12-18 Examine a Matter Fully Before Believing it: Are there scriptures in the protestant Bible that talk about being careful what we believe before we fully examine the matter, as there is in the Catholic book, Ben Sirach (Ecclesiasticus)? [Proverbs 18:13-17, John 7:51].
2020-12-18 Today's Messianic Movement: Could you talk about the Messianic movement today? [Galatians 5:3-4, Galatians 4:10].
2020-12-17 Not One Righteous: What is the context of and thoughts surrounding David's quoting Psalm 14 in Romans 3, "There is none righteous, no not one." [Romans 3:10-19, Romans 11, Psalms 14, Psalm 53, I Kings 19:10].
2020-12-17 Jesus' Age: What was Jesus's age? [John 8:57].
2020-12-17 The Age of the Disciples: Were the disciples very young and is that why Jesus called them "little children"?
2020-12-17 One's Desire or One's Calling to Ministry: If scripture indicates that when it is one's desire to be a pastor, it is a good thing, then how is that contrasted to one who is called to it? [I Timothy 3:1, Titus 1].