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Date Topic Audio
2021-6-15 Divorce, Separation & Unfaithfulness: Could you clarify what is grounds for divorce if unfaithfulness has taken place in ways other than sexual immorality, and she has moved out? [Deuteronomy 24:1-2, I Corinthians 7:12-15].
2021-6-15 Dying in One's Sins: Could you talk about what it means to be "dying in one's sins"?
2021-6-14 "The Israel of God": Who is "the Israel of God?" [Galatians 6:15-16, Galatians 4:28, Romans 9:6].
2021-6-14 All the Land and Promises Fulfilled to Israelites: Doesn't scripture say that the Lord gave the Israelites all the land that he had promised? [Joshua 21:43-45].
2021-6-14 Not Until All is fulfilled: What does it mean in scripture; "heaven and earth will pass away, but not one jot or tittle will until all is fulfilled"? [Matthew 5:18, Luke 21:30].
2021-6-14 The Rapture: Isn't the verse in Thessalonians about the rapture? [I Thessalonians 4].
2021-6-14 Radio Expenses for The Narrow Path: Could you repeat how much it costs you to be on the radio?
2021-6-14 The Bride of Christ: Why are we called the "Bride of Christ"? [Revelation 19:10, Ephesians 5, Matthew 19, Genesis 2:24].].
2021-6-14 Light & Good Works for Evangelism: Does my light (life) and good works have a part in the salvation of others? [Titus 2:14, Titus 3:1, Titus 3:14, Ephesians 2:8-9].
2021-6-14 Do NOT post this call (as per Steve Gregg): Would you talk about Balaam's story? [Numbers 24:14-15, Numbers 24:23].
2021-6-14 God's Love=Mercy, Justice, Faithfulness: Could you direct me to your lecture where you talk about God's love being of mercy, justice, and faithfulness? Recommended Lecture: "Sermon on the Mount". [Matthew 23:23, Matthew 7:12, John 15:13, Mark 12:30-31].
2021-6-14 Study to Show Yourself Approved: Where is the verse about needing to study to show yourself approved? [2 Timothy 2:15].
2021-6-14 Do not post this call (as per Steve Gregg). Are my thoughts about what is required of the believer, is this sound?
2021-6-14 Buying & Selling Restrictions: If we ended up with mandates by the government that would restrict buying and selling, would you reassess your view of end times (Amillennialism)?
2021-6-11 Religious Exemption for COVID Vaccine: Is there biblical support for not taking the COVID vaccine?
2021-6-11 Bondage vs Sinful Behavior: How does one distinguish being in bondage versus just falling to sin? [John 8:31-36].
2021-6-11 Pride: Is pride really the root of all sin? [Isaiah 14:12-14].
2021-6-11 Commitment to Live the Christian Life: Is it by resolve that one learns to live the Christian life without the law (The Torah)?
2021-6-11 Laying on of Hands & the Great Commission: Is "laying on of hands" part of the great commission? [Acts 2:38].
2021-6-11 Laying on of Hands: Who is qualified to perform "the laying on of hands"?
2021-6-11 Married to an Unbeliever: How do I live a Christian life being married to an unbeliever, and remain faithful to Christ? Recommended lecture: Topical/Individual Lectures/ "How to Love your Wife Like Christ Loved the Church." [I Corinthians 7:12-15, John 13:13].
2021-6-11 Lukewarm & Vomited Out: Could you expand on the verses about being lukewarm and vomited out of His mouth? [Revelation 3:16, Proverbs 27:14].
2021-6-11 Rebaptism: Would you recommend that I be rebaptized if I am not sure I was a true Christian when I was originally baptized?
2021-6-10 Christ Suffers with His Body (the Church): Could you elaborate on the idea that Christ suffers when his body (the church) suffers? [Colossians 1:24, Acts 9:4, Acts 22:7, Philippians 3:10].
2021-6-10 Eternal Security & Dispensationalism: Caller calls in support of more traditional views over Eternal Security and Dispensationalism. [Hebrews 4:2, Hebrews 4:6-11, Job 14:12, Hebrews 5:9, Proverbs 25:26, John 17:3].
2021-6-10 Baptism of the Holy Ghost (Spirit): Is there a second work beyond being baptized into the faith, as in the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit", as scripture seems to indicate? [Ephesians 4:4-6, Acts 1:5, Acts 19, Acts 8, Hebrews 6:1-2, Ephesians 5:18].
2021-6-10 Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Is "Baptism in the Holy Ghost (Spirit) the same thing as being "Filled with the Spirit"? [Acts 1:5, Acts 2:4].
2021-6-10 Zechariah's View: Could you clarify what Zechariah is talking about when he says that "His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives"? [Zechariah 14:4, Ezekiel 11].
2021-6-10 Rebuke in the Church: Could you give me some scriptural examples of "rebuke", as in rebuking other brothers in the church? [2 Timothy 4:2, 2 Timothy 2:24, Galatians 6:1, Galatians 2, 2 Kings 5].
2021-6-10 Repent Once or Often?: Is repentance something you do only once, or do you repent every time you sin? [I John 1:9, I John 1:5-7].
2021-6-10 Failing God Again: Could you help me understand why those of us who have faith, understand repentance, and who truly want to please God, continue to fail Him? Recommended Lecture: "Cultivating Christian Character". [Galatians 5:17-25, Romans 12:2, Psalm 1:2, Philippians 2:13].
2021-6-10 Anti-Semitic Replacement Theology: What do you think about the claim that is actually anti-Semitic, to believe that the church is Israel ("Replacement" or "Fulfillment" Theology, or "Supersessionism" and not Dispensationalism)? [Matthew 8:11-12].
2021-6-09 Judging Others: Will God test us in order to teach us to not unfairly judge? [Galatians 6:1].
2021-6-09 Level of Responsibility for Those that are Disabled in Some Way: To what level of responsibility will God hold those that do not have mental or physical capability to make proper choices?
2021-6-09 "Right in Their Own Eyes": Regarding the concept of being, "right in one's own eyes", I always thought it was a bad thing, are you saying it is a good thing? [Judges 17:6].
2021-6-09 Ruling One's Home as a Home: Regarding the qualifications for elders, what is meant by "ruling one's home", and when should a pastor (or elder) step down if his home is out of control in some measure? [I Timothy 3:4].
2021-6-09 Going Through Storms in Life: What of the saying, "If you are not going through a storm, you are either going into one or coming out of one"?
2021-6-09 Living the Christian Life: Is it possible to live the Christian life? [Romans 8:5].
2021-6-09 The Problem of Evil: Can you recommend your teaching that deals with the problem of evil? Lecture recommended: "Making Sense of Suffering".
2021-6-09 One or Two Judgments?: Could you clarify if the judgment and the judgment at the Great White Throne are two different judgments? [2 Corinthians 5:10, Revelation 20:12-13. John 5:28, Matthew 25:31].
2021-6-09 "Once Saved, Always Saved" or "Eternal Security": If once saved, are we always saved, or can one fall into sin and eventually apostatize? [I Timothy 4:1, James 3:2].
2021-6-09 John MacArthur & the Free Masons: Caller talks about John MacArthur and his family connection to the Masons, and his giving credit to them for the spiritual blessing on his ministry today.
2021-6-09 John MacArthur Accusing Other of Anti-Semitism: Is it not reason to question John MacArthur's trustworthiness if he has said that if ones sees the church as Israel, they are anti-Semitic?
2021-6-09 Fire Symbolizing the Holy Spirit: Is the fire referred in Matthew 3, symbolic for the Holy Spirit? [Matthew 3:11].
2021-6-08 Authenticity of 2 Peter: What evidence is there that 2 Peter is an authentic writing to share with someone who thinks Paul is a false apostle?
2021-6-08 Temptation of Jesus: Can you help me assess what was involved in the temptation of Christ?
2021-6-08 Helpless Dependence: Could you help me to understand what you mean by "helpless dependence" in your book, "The Kingdom of God"? [I John 2:6, Psalm 127:1, Galatians 3:3].
2021-6-08 Pre-Trib Rapture Evidence: How would you answer David Jeremiah when he indicates that because the church is not mentioned after Revelation 3, it is indicative of a pre-tribulation rapture? [Revelation 13:7, Revelation 19:6]
2021-6-08 Book of Enoch: What scriptures are being referred to in Matthew 22, and should we not take the Book of Enoch as authentic? [Matthew 22:29, Isaiah 26, Daniel 12:2, Acts 2, 2 Peter 2, Jude 1:14-15].
2021-6-08 Detractors of the Book of Esther: Who are the detractors of the book of Esther and its inclusion in the Bible ?