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Showing 15,151 to 15,200 of 24,566.
Date Topic Audio
2018-1-08 Seventh Day Adventism & 10 Commandments: I always thought Seventh Day Adventists were good, Christian people, but now you say we only have to keep 9 of the 10 commandments?
2018-1-08 Two Witnesses: Who are the 2 witnesses in Revelation 11? What about the 1260 days, 3.5 years or 42 months? [Revelation 11]
2018-1-08 "Let US": "Let Us" do this or that in the opening book of the Bible, in Genesis. Is this referring to the Trinity? [Genesis 1:26]
2018-1-08 Head Coverings: What do you think about going to a church that is insistent on women wearing Head coverings & being silent in the church?
2018-1-05 Cessation of Spiritual Gifts: Did the gifts of the Spirit end after the Apostolic Age? Is there an agenda as to why they say they've stopped?
2018-1-05 New Apostolic Reformation: Can you comment on this New Apostolic Reformation that seems to be prevalent in Bethel Church? They seem to focus a lot on the supernatural.
2018-1-05 Greatest Revival: Do you think we are about to have one of the greatest revivals that has ever taken place?
2018-1-05 Jesus' Innocence: Wouldn't Jesus having had sex compromised His innocence?
2018-1-05 Numerology in the Bible: Don't we have to believe in Numerology?
2018-1-05 Book of Isaiah-Multiple Authors: Was the Book of Isaiah written by 3 different authors?
2018-1-05 Pharaoh attempting to Kill Moses: (followup yesterday) Pharaoh wanting to kill Moses, why would that be? [Exodus 2:11-12] :
2018-1-05 Free Will & Free Choice: Is there a distinction between Free Will & Free Choice?
2018-1-05 Rhema, Logos: "Word", Rhema, Logos, Peter seems to use those words interchangeably. [Luke 22:61, Matthew 26:75]
2018-1-05 Resurrection being symbolic: Bahai belief that Jesus’s resurrection was symbolic, how is this argued?
2018-1-04 Don Stewart: What can you tell me about Don Stewart?
2018-1-04 Future Judgment: If you are forgiven, then why a future judgment?
2018-1-04 Homosexuality: I'm having a hard time forgiving, loving homosexuals who just want to continue in that lifestyle.
2018-1-04 The (Secret) Rapture: Do you believe in the Secret Rapture? What are the ramifications for being wrong about it?
2018-1-04 Moses going in Hiding: Why did Moses have to flee for killing somebody since he was in the royal family?
2018-1-04 By His Stripes we are Healed: People seem to use the verse in Isaiah about "by His stripes we are healed", but isn't that a misuse of the Scripture? [Isaiah 53]
2018-1-04 New Testament Reliability: People say we can't trust the Scriptures of the New Tesament because they were just letters all compiled together centuries later. [2 Timothy 3:16]
2018-1-04 Already Condemned: We are condemned if we don't believe in Jesus. We need to tell people that, that they are condemned if they don't believe in Jesus. [John 3:16-18]
2018-1-03 First Shall be Last & the Last Shall be First: What do these phrases mean: "The last shall be first, and the first shall be last" and "Many are called, few are chosen"? [Matthew 20:15-16]
2018-1-03 Apocrypha-Lost Books of the Bible: Why is the Apocrypha not recognized by Protestants?
2018-1-03 Baptism in Jesus Name: A preacher says you are to only be baptized in the name of “Jesus”.
2018-1-03 Rhema & Logos: Can you give an overview of the “Rhema” word of God as it relates to the “Logos”?
2018-1-03 Attain Ressurection of the Dead: What does it mean to "attain to the ressurection of the dead"? [Philippians 3:10-11]
2018-1-03 God Saving Man?: Why would an omnipotent God have to come to save mankind?
2018-1-03 Israelite Tribal Marraige: Did Israelites marrying outside their tribe?
2018-1-03 Matthew Taking Notes: (Comment on yesterday's 4th call) Caller believes Matthew may have taken good notes.
2018-1-03 Attain Resurrection of the Dead: (Continuation of 4th call this episode) It sounds like Paul doesn't know how to attain the resurrection of the dead.
2018-1-03 In Christ and Identifying with Christ: Caller believes there is a difference between being "In Christ" and "Identifying with Christ".
2018-1-03 Keys of the Kingdom & Binding and Loosing: Can you explain the keys of the kingdom and binding and loosing? [Matthew 16:19 & 18:18]
2018-1-02 Calvinism: Calvinism does not appear to be in the bible.
2018-1-02 Sabbath Keeping: Didn't Jesus do away with the law including the keeping of the Sabbath?
2018-1-02 Jesus Secretive about His Ministry: In the book of Mark, why does Jesus want his miracles to be so secretive?
2018-1-02 Mark's Use of Immediately: Why does Mark use the word “immediately” so frequently?
2018-1-02 Limiting Sizes of Care Groups at Church: What do you think about church care group size limitations.
2018-1-02 Jesus Claims to be God: Do all the gospels indicate that Jesus was God?
2018-1-02 Antichrist: Who comes first, Jesus or antiChrist?
2018-1-02 Mary's Genealogy: What is Mary's genealogy? [Luke 3:23-38]
2018-1-02 Middle Eastern Oral Tradition: (Followup to 4th question) Oral tradition in the Middle Eastern culture.
2018-1-02 Flat Earth: What does the bible say about the shape of the earth?
2018-1-02 Testing Audio: Comparing audio!
2018-1-01 Vocational or NonVocational Pastors: Should pastors have a 9-5 job in addition to their pastoral duties?
2018-1-01 Hell in the Old Testament: What does the Old Testament say about hell and judgment?
2018-1-01 Cults: A Korean group is teaching that Jesus has a wife and came back in 1948.
2018-1-01 Revelation 144,000 What is the 144,000 in Revelation talking about?
2018-1-01 Views of Atonement: What are the Christus Victor and Penal Substitution views of atonement?
2018-1-01 Laws/Commands from Jesus: What laws has Jesus given us in the New Testament? Are the old laws done away with?