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Date Topic Audio
2017-7-31 Good Works Secret: Don't let one hand what the other hand is doing, so we are supposed to keep our good deeds a secret? [Matthew 6:3]
2017-7-31 Joyce Meyer Adherent: I'm dating a girl who listens to Joyce Meyer so should that be a red flag?
2017-7-31 153 Fish Significance: Was there any significance to the number "153", the number fish that were caught? [John 21:11]
2017-7-31 Flat Earth Conspiracy: Flat earth conspiracy inquiry [Isaiah 40:22]
2017-7-31 Yoke is Easy & Burden Light, but is Hard Contradiction: My yoke is easy, My burden is light, but in other places He seems to make it hard, so which is it [Luke 14, Matthew 11]
2017-7-31 Christ' Blood Different than Ours: With the life being in the blood, was Jesus' blood different than ours?
2017-7-31 The Light Before the Sun: What is the light in the 3rd verse of Genesis since the sun wasn't made until the 4th day? [Genesis 1:3 & 16]
2017-7-28 God being a Male & Female: Someone I know thinks God is male & female. Can you tell me about these verses related to that? [Psalm 19:5, Galatians 4:26]
2017-7-28 Esau, in his Heart: What does this mean that " his heart" he thought of this plot, it confuses me. [Genesis 27:40-42]
2017-7-28 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit: Can you explain the difference between the new & old covenant regarding the Holy Spirit?
2017-7-28 Denominations: Are denominations just possibly being an immaturity of people who choose to be divided in certain things. Is there examples of that happening the early church?
2017-7-27 NLT Bible: The NLT translates it's different, "For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die." but he's not able to finish his thought. [Romans 5:7]
2017-7-27 Definition of Sin: What is sin? [1 John 3:4, Romans 7:15]
2017-7-27 Masoretic & Septuagint Text: The ages of people's lives seem different in the Septuagint vs the Masoretic text. Do you know anything about that, & why it would be? [Genesis 5]
2017-7-27 For Sake of Fornication: For the sake of fornication, especially if a person gets pregnant, should they get married anyway?
2017-7-27 Calvinism & Election: Michael the Buddhist asks about Calvinism & the term "elect"
2017-7-27 A Day as a 1000 years: Is it possible each "day" in prophecy an actual 1,000 years like it seems to indicate in the Bible? [Psalm 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8]
2017-7-26 Interpretation of 2 Parables: I'd like your interpretation of Matthew 13:44-46 talking about 2 Parables. [Matthew 13:44:46]
2017-7-26 Bible Interpretation in Luke: I was listening to your lectures on luke, & you seemed to have skipped verses luke 19:26-27, what do they mean?
2017-7-26 Not Needing a Teacher: You don't need a teacher, is this what does that means? [1 John 2:27]
2017-7-26 Spiritual Adultery: Have you ever heard of the term "spiritual adultery", where churches get annoyed that you are fellowshipping with another group even though you "belong" to them?
2017-7-26 Spiritual Authority: Should we be able to move mountains with out God's Will all the time? [Matthew 17:20]
2017-7-26 Church Discipline: What context or when should a church ask a person not to attend the church again? [Matthew 18]
2017-7-26 Word of Faith: Healing the sick & casting out demons, didn't Jesus actually command us to be able to do that?
2017-7-25 Communication being Yea or Nay: What does Jesus mean in Matt 5:37 about your communication being yea or nay?
2017-7-25 Homosexuality the Pinnacle of Sin: In Romans 1, is homosexual sex the pinnacle of sin? [Romans 1:26]
2017-7-25 Recompence of Their Error: What do you think the recompence of their error is that Paul is referring to? A sickness?
2017-7-25 Trinity & Wisdom: Regarding the Trinity & Wisdom, I'm not understanding why you don't agree that Wisdom has a personality. (follow up from yesterday.)
2017-7-25 Bad Cops: Is it biblical to shoot back at police who are shooting you unjustifiably, & why is this happening so much lately in our country?
2017-7-25 Nation Under Judgment: Is our nation under Judgment because of a reprobate mind?
2017-7-25 NIV & NASB Translations of the Bible: Caller gives a couple verses as examples of how they have a completely different meaning in the NIV & NASB compared to the KJV. [Isaiah 59:19 Proverbs 3:25]
2017-7-25 Police Not Being Perfect: Violence of the police is just a societal problem, it is a sin problem, in this country.
2017-7-25 The Secret Place: Where is the secret place of the Most High? [Psalm 91:1-9]
2017-7-25 Healing: I heard you say an excellent discussion on healing a couple months ago, but i can't remember exactly where. Can you please say the same information you said before?
2017-7-24 Jesus' Uniqueness Over other Leaders: Jesus taught the same thing as leaders of other major religions, like do unto others as you'd want to be done, so is Jesus real?
2017-7-24 Not Believing Trinity: If you don't believe in the Trinity, are you a heretic?
2017-7-24 Heaven & Hell not Addressed: In the Old Testament NOR the New Testament there's not much mention about what happens to you after you die, heaven or hell, need to love Him just because
2017-7-24 Sermon on the Mount & Hyperbole Remarks: Is that hyperbole, plucking out your eye, cutting off your hand? [Matthew 5:29, Matthew 18:9, Mark 9:47]
2017-7-24 Being Religious but Not a Christian: Wondering if you could have the characteristics of a Christian & still not be saved? What if you can't overcome a sin? [Matthew 7:24-25]
2017-7-24 Holy Spirit: A discussion about the Holy Spirit (that is a little bit over my head). [Matthew 7:24-25, Romans 8:11]
2017-7-24 License to Sin By Grace: So a minister thinks that because of grace one can you live any way they want & still be a Christian, is this true?
2017-7-21 Christians Insulting People: Does Christianity allow for insulting one another?
2017-7-21 Uncircumcision of the Heart: Uncircumcision of the heart & circumcision of the flesh. [Ezekiel 40-48]
2017-7-21 Wealthy People: You were talking about wealthy atheists giving money the other day, & Warren Buffet, "There are many ways to get to heaven, but this is a good way" after he gave a whole bunch of money. How would you rebut that?
2017-7-21 Christians being Demon-Possessed: Can a Christian be demon-possessed?
2017-7-21 Binding the Devil: Can we bind the devil? Can we claim territory for the kingdom? Do we have the ability to direct angels? [Daniel 10, Matthew 12:29]
2017-7-21 Definition of First Word Mentioned in Bible: Joseph Prince said that the meaning of a word defined by the first time it is used in the Bible will always mean the same thing the rest of the time in the Bible. What do you say about that? (leaven is an example that this is not the case.)
2017-7-21 Having a Clean Conscience: What does Paul mean by a clean conscience? What is a conscience? [Romans 2:15]
2017-7-20 Law of Attraction & Positive Thing: The law of attraction & power of positive thinking, Word of Faith, producing stuff by the words you speak, what do you think about all that?
2017-7-20 Christians Enabling Transgenderism: Adopted parents that are Christians & are leaders in the church, but who want to help their daughter changer her gender