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Date Topic Audio
2017-1-09 Historic Premillennialism: Historic Premillennialism viewpoint, amillennialism viewpoint discussion & Satan being loosed on the earth in the end times.
2017-1-09 Darik Frank & the Let Lion Roar: I'm wondering if you've ever heard the video by darik frank, let the lion roar that emphasizes on the jews & Israel?
2017-1-09 Evidence of God: Can you give me some wisdom on what to do w/ doubt or lack of evidence of there being a God, etc.?
2017-1-06 Kings of Isaiah 14 & Ezekiel 28: I heard you talking about Satan & the kings in Ezekiel 28 & Isaiah 14 the other day, I missed one of the kings you mentioned. Will you talk about them again?
2017-1-06 Being gods: Why in scripture does it call people "gods"? [John 10:34-35, Psalms 82:6]
2017-1-06 Steve Gregg's Devotion Life: What does your daily devotion look like?
2017-1-06 Bible Interpretation in Hebrews about Willful Sin: Could you elaborate more on Hebrews 10:26? [Hebrews 10:26, Hebrews 6:4]
2017-1-06 Replacement Theology: You were recently talking about your rebuttal video to jack hibbs on replacement theology; can you actually defend you position?
2017-1-06 John Calvin Executing Heretics: Did John Calvin or martin Luther actually participate in the execution of "heretics" & was it justifiable?
2017-1-06 Holy Spirit in the OT: Are there different relationships w/ the Holy Spirit, especially in the New Testament verses in the Old Testament?
2017-1-05 Mental Illness & Schizophrenia: Would you please talk about demon possession/mental illness?
2017-1-05 Satan being a Fallen Angel: If Satan was an angel, how could he have been a snake?
2017-1-05 Transformed life as a result of being Born Again: When people are born again, how often are they actually changed, it changing their lives.
2017-1-05 Jesus' Resurrection: Why did Jesus have to be resurrected? To conquer both spiritual & physical death?
2017-1-05 Jews & Isaiah 53: If Jews don't believe that Jesus was Messiah, how do they interpret scriptures like Isaiah 53? [Isaiah 53]
2017-1-05 Saved by Animal Sacrifice in the OT: Were the Jews saved by Animal Sacrifice in the Old Testament?
2017-1-05 God Permitting Suffering: Why does God allow suffering, especially illnesses, physical problems?
2017-1-05 Spiritual Maturity at Death: When a believer dies, have they reached their full maturity/perfection that God wants them to be at? [John 15:2] Incomplete(?)
2017-1-04 Book of Revelation Symbolic or Literal: Is revelation, especially chapter 13, to be taken literally or symbolically? [Revelation 13:15-18]
2017-1-04 As a Man Thinketh Book: "As a man thinketh" by James Allen, do you know anything about it?
2017-1-04 Literal Creation Week: If the creation "week" was done in 6 literal days, why the sun & moon & the stars not until the 4th day? What was the "Light" before that? [Genesis 1-2]
2017-1-04 Mental Illness & Demon-Possession: Counseling about mental illness, depression, anxiety, demonic-possession
2017-1-04 Revelation & Mark of the Beast: I think Revelation is referring to things about today, everything is falling into place right now. [Revelation 13] (Editor's Note: Sort've hard to hear.)
2017-1-03 Pornography Addiction: Are addiction problems biblical or is it referring to people who are just out of control?
2017-1-03 Cain's Age when He slew Abel: So Cain & Abel were in their 100's when he killed Abel?
2017-1-03 Cain's Relationship with God: "I will be hidden from your presence", Cain said. So did Cain & God have a regular conversation with each other like God did with Adam & Eve? [Genesis 4:13-15]
2017-1-03 Seth: And how many children between Cain, Abel & Seth?
2017-1-03 Formulation for Baptism: Is it okay to be baptized in just Jesus' name vs just saying "Father, Son & Holy Ghost". [2 Timothy 3:15, Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:38]
2017-1-03 Israel coming back to God in the Last Day: The Holy Spirit & God saving Israel, etc (talk about the video that was just taken of YouTube re: jack hibbs) [Ezekiel 36-37]
2017-1-03 Material for Effectively Winning Souls for Christ: Do you have material of evangelism?
2017-1-03 Joseph being the Father of Jesus: If Joseph is the father of Jesus, why isn't Joseph God?
2017-1-03 Son of Man: What does "Son of Man", "son of man" mean?
2017-1-03 Highway out of Egypt: Has Isaiah 19:23-25 been fulfilled or is it still future regarding a highway out of Egypt? [Isaiah 19:23-25]
2016-12-30 Jesus No Different than Other Religious Leaders: Adult daughter of caller suggested Jesus taught the same thing as other religious leaders, & so is no different.
2016-12-30 Old Covenant/Ten Commandments: Aren't the 10 commandments part of the Old Covenant even though churches seem to rely heavily on them?
2016-12-30 Forever means Forever: Caller disagrees w/ Steve's answer of the last call, that that's not what God said, that "forever" means forever!
2016-12-30 Under Grace of Mercy: Are we under Grace of Mercy, & Jesus didn't call us Christians.
2016-12-30 Serpent in Genesis: Was this serpent literal or figurative?
2016-12-30 Circumcision: Why did Paul tell Timothy to get circumcised after he's been preaching it's not important anymore? [Acts 16:3]
2016-12-30 Christianity: The label of Christian: The name Christianity was actually a derogatory term, the caller says [1 peter 4:16]
2016-12-29 Not Inviting Relatives to Dinner: What did Jesus mean by not inviting family or friends to dinner? [luke 14:12-14]
2016-12-29 Morning program: Caller is going to miss the morning program when it's taken off at the end of the year.
2016-12-29 Mormonism: Jesus being born at Jerusalem, they say. The City of David being Jerusalem.
2016-12-29 Visions & Dreams: Do visions & dreams from God still happen? Does He speak to us through passages of Scripture?
2016-12-29 Lot, righteous or sinner: In some places it says it refers to Lot as "righteous" Lot… could that be when he did some elicit sins & lived in Sodom?
2016-12-29 Middle East in the News: How does all the stuff happening in the UN, USA, Israel & Syria fulfill prophecy?
2016-12-29 Prophecy being fulfilled: When Jesus' feet would stand on the Mt of Olives, & it would split in 2…when was that fulfilled? [Zechariah 14:4]
2016-12-29 Marriage Infidelity: Caller committed infidelity, they got divorced, she got remarried, can he remarry now himself?
2016-12-28 The Sin of Jeroboam: Churches practicing Exclusivism & Legalism
2016-12-28 Israel created in one day: Nothing in the Bible about Israel being created in one day, but someone mentioned Isaiah. [Isaiah 66L8].