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Date Topic Audio
2016-1-05 Slavery: Slavery in the New Testament was different, more positive, than what we think as slavery today, isn't that right? Indentured servitude [Matthew 6:24, Luke 6:13]
2016-1-04 Eastern Orthodox Church: Is the Eastern Orthodox Church the same as Roman Catholic Church but without the Pope?
2016-1-04 A Hard Heart: What does it mean for a man's heart to be hard?
2016-1-04 God Hardening Pharaoh's Heart: What does it mean God hardened Pharaoh's heart?
2016-1-04 Man Hardening His Own Heart: What does it mean for a man to harden his own heart?
2016-1-04 Plucking out the Eye: So we shouldn't really do what that verse says, pluck out our eye? [Mark 9:47]
2016-1-04 Differences in Belief in Church I Attend: How do I deal with teachings in my church that I disagree with but don't want to switch churches because of those differences?
2016-1-04 God's Wrath on the Amalekites: I have an atheist friend who points this passage out, asking why would God order the killing of the Amalekites? [1 Samuel 15:2-3]
2016-1-04 Kill & Eat-God Changed His Mind?: What caused God to change what He said in Leviticus? [Acts 10:9-28, Acts 11]
2016-1-04 Fasting: What is your view on fasting?
2015-12-31 Reconciling Scripture - Meat Sacrificed to Idols: In Revelation it seems to be a big deal about eating meat sacrificed to idols, but not a very big deal to Paul. How do you reconcile those 2 things? [Revelation 2:14, 1 Corinthians 8:9-13, Revelaion 17:1, Revelation 1:20].
2015-12-31 Reconciling Scripture [Matthew 6:33, 1 Corinthians 4:11]: How do we reconcile Jesus saying He'll provide everything we need, but then Paul saying we might go hungry & be beaten & so on? [Matthew 6:33, 1 Corinthians 4:11]
2015-12-30 Prayer Request: Bad things are happening in India, & requesting prayer that Christians will be able to continue to share the gospel.
2015-12-30 Struggling w/ ones faith & examining it: People tend to struggle w/ their faith this time of year. 2 Corinthians 13:3-5
2015-12-30 Intertestamental Period (silent years) between the OT & NT: Can you please explain the "silent years" between the OT & NT?
2015-12-30 24 Elders: Who do you think the 24 Elders are? [Revelation 11:16]
2015-12-30 The Ark of the Covenant: Is the Ark that is mentioned in Revelation 11 the same Ark of the Covenant? Do you believe the Ark of the Covenant is still in existence? [Revelation 11:19]
2015-12-30 Circumcision: Is there any value to Circumcision or does it please God outside of the Old Covenant? [Galatians 5:2]
2015-12-30 Residence of Mary, Joseph & Jesus after His Birth: How long did Joseph & Mary live in Bethlehem after Jesus' birth?
2015-12-30 Awareness after Death: Can the dead hear or see what's happening here on earth?
2015-12-30 State of the Dead: What is the truth about whether we immediately go to the presence of the Lord after we die, or being in the Eternal State in the New Jerusalem?
2015-12-30 Cremation: Do you think there's a problem being cremated?
2015-12-29 Thorn in the flesh (followup): What is the "thorn in the flesh" that Paul had? Was it possibly guilt or emotional baggage? [2 Corinthians 12:6-8, Numbers 33:55]
2015-12-29 Christ's Birth & being a Nazarene: I was doing some research on Christ's birth, & there's Scripture that points out fulfillment of OT Scripture such as the Virgin birth, being called out of Egypt, but it also talks about Him being called a Nazarene, but there's no OT prophet predicting Him being a Nazarene. [Matthew 1:22-23, 2:15]
2015-12-29 Husband's faith: Wife is concerned about her husband's lack of faith, he being told that God is like a horse & can come believe anything about God that he wants. But someone said that a wife can't instruct or talk about Bible things w/ her husband, so she's afraid of talking to him. [1 Peter 3:1]
2015-12-29 Righteousness: "I will have mercy & not sacrifice". What does this mean? [Matthew 9:13 & 12:7, Hosea 6:6]
2015-12-29 Elephant analogy: These "blind" people can move around to different parts of the elephant & if the elephant had a voice, he could speak, but God HAS spoken!
2015-12-29 Origins of the Baptist Church: The Baptist denomination existed before there were any Protestants, is that true?
2015-12-29 Destroying the works of Satan: If Jesus defeated Satan at the cross, why does Satan still seem so powerful? [1 John 3:8]
2015-12-28 Being Superstitious: What if people just say that people were superstitious back then? Is there any extra biblical or experiential evidence that we have soul/spirit?
2015-12-28 Soul - Spirit: Is the soul or spirit a separate entity from our body? [2 Corinthians 4, 2 Corinthians 5, Philippians 1:21-23, 2 Corinthians 12, Luke 24:39]
2015-12-28 General Questions about the Narrow Path Ministry: Questions about how to donate, is it okay to pay his tithe to his ministry, & how thankful he is for Steve's ministry.
2015-12-28 Animals sinning: Animals don't sin, do they?
2015-12-28 Jews building a Tabernacle: How come the Jews, since they don't believe in Jesus, can't just build a tabernacle so they can start the sacrificial system again?
2015-12-28 Reading the Bible: What is the best way to read the Bible?
2015-12-28 Thorn in the flesh: What is the "thorn in the flesh" that Paul had? Was it possibly guilt or emotional baggage? [2 Corinthians 12:6-8]
2015-12-23 Flat Earth: Is the Earth flat? Can the roundness of the earth be demonstrated by the Bible?
2015-12-23 "Sing old childless woman": In Isaiah 54:1, what does it mean, "old childless woman"? [Isaiah 54:1, Galatians 4:21-27]
2015-12-23 Bema seat judgment: When is the timing of the "Bema Seat" judgment, & is it the general judgment? Are there 2 different judgments? [1 Corinthians 3:1-0-15, 2 Corinthians 5:10]
2015-12-23 "Glory Chanted by the mouth of Babes & Infants": I am stumped by the mouth of babes chanting glory. [Psalm 8:2]
2015-12-23 "You are gods, sons of the Most High": Who is God speaking to when He said, "you are gods, sons of the Most High"? [Psalm 82]
2015-12-23 Flat Earth: Followup about Christians who believe in the flat earth, & the earth is the center of the universe & KJV only believers.
2015-12-23 "...Make Man in OUR Image": Who is the "our" when God said, "Let us make man in our image"? [Genesis 1:26-27]
2015-12-23 Rap Music: Not all Rap Music is bad, according to the caller.
2015-12-22 The Shepherd of Hermas: How much credence do you think we should give "The Shepherd of Hermas"?
2015-12-22 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage Situation: I've called before re: this situation, but i'm wondering the coldness i'm having w/ my wife for the last 6 months.
2015-12-22 The Word becoming Flesh: Michael the Buddhist wants to know about "Logos", the Word, Jesus, becoming Flesh. [John 1]
2015-12-22 Rap Music: Caller doesn't like Rap Music at all, that there's nothing good about it whatsoever! That it's demons. That rap Christian music is an oxymoron.
2015-12-22 Demon-possession - Mental Illness: Caller is amazed about how Steve's answer to a question about mental illness or demon-possession completely described him.
2015-12-22 Jesus, the Temptation & the Devil: Was the Devil lying to Jesus when he was trying to tempt Jesus?