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Date Topic Audio
2013-3-07 Leviticus: Salt of the Covenant What is the "salt of the covenant" in Leviticus? [Mark 9:49-50, Leviticus 2:13].
2013-3-07 "All Israel Will be Saved": How will "all Israel will be saved" ? [Romans 9:23, Romans 9:27, Isaiah 10, Romans 11:17, Romans 11:26].
2013-3-07 Spiritual vs Physical Application of Prophesy: Since there are spiritual references to Zion, Israel, the temple, last days, etc., also going to see a physical and geographical fulfillment?
2013-3-07 Third Temple & Abomination of Desolation: Will a third temple be built and is the" abomination of desolation" in our hearts? [2 Thessalonians 2:4, Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, Luke 21:20, I Corinthians 3:16-17, 2 Corinthians 6:19-20].
2013-3-07 "Two Sticks" in Ezekiel: In the symbolism of the "two sticks" in Ezekiel 37, what, when, and where are the two nations joined? [Ezekiel 37, Ephesians 2:11, Ephesians 3:3-6].
2013-3-07 "Israel of God": Does "the Israel of God" mean, the church? [Galatians 6:16, Galatians 3:9, Galatians 3:29].
2013-3-07 The Faithful Church is Israel: It's not Abraham's seed, but only those that have faith that are the true Israel, right? [Galatians 3:29].
2013-3-07 Magic and Real Snakes?: When Moses was before Pharaoh, and the magicians threw down snakes, were they real snakes? [Exodus 7].
2013-3-07 Satan Cannot Create Life; Caller insists that no one but God can create life, therefore the Magicians could not create snakes in Exodus. [Exodus 7].
2013-3-07 The New Pope & Prophecy: Do you see any connection to prophecy with the election of the new pope? [2 Thessalonians 2].
2013-3-07 Intelligent Design-Creating Life: Could it be that the two different words for "create" in scripture may help to give some clarity as to whether anyone but God can create life.
2013-3-07 Keeping the Sabbath: Could you comment on the Seventh Day Adventist position that we are negating obeying "the ten commandments" if we don't keep the Sabbath? [Hebrews 8:13, Romans 14:5].
2013-3-07 In the Image of God: Do brain damaged, disabled, underdeveloped or poorly functioning chlldren still have in them "the image of God"? [Isaiah 1:3, James 3:9].
2013-3-05 The Sabbath vs Sunday: Was the Sabbath switched to Sunday? [Exodus 31:13].
2013-3-05 Rebuilding the Temple: What about the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem?
2013-3-05 Support of Israel: Could you comment on the implication that there is a special blessing for those that support those in Israel?
2013-3-05 Abraham, Hagar & Ishmael: Why was Abraham counted as faithful when he took Hagar and had Ishmael? [Genesis 15, Genesis 17:16, Genesis 18].
2013-3-05 Solomon's Backsliding: Why is it never mentioned that Solomon might have gone to hell, because he was so disobedience? [Ecclesiates 12].
2013-3-05 The Holy Spirit Dwelling in Angels: Can angels have the Holy Spirit in them? [John 2:19].
2013-3-05 Hell: Hell must be so terrible, if God would send His own son to keep us from it, yes?
2013-3-05 Terms for Salvation: Would you exegete these verses about those given to God in John? [John 6:37, John 6:65, John 17:6, John 6:44, Luke 7:30, Acts 7:51, Acts 9:5-6, Matthew 23:37-39].
2013-3-05 Believing God: Isn't there a difference between believing "in" God and "believing God"? [Hebrews 11:8, Hebrews 11:17, Hebrews 11:12, Romans 4:19].
2013-3-05 "Other" Scriptures: What are the "other" scriptures being referred to in 2 Peter 3? [2 Peter 3}.
2013-3-05 Distortion of Grace Scripture: Was there something specific being distorted in 2 Peter, and also applied to today's distortions? [2 Peter 3:15, Romans 6:15, Titus 2:11-12, Jude 1:4].
2013-3-05 Drawing by God: Does God's "drawing" happen to everyone, universally, at all times? [John 6, John 12:32, 2 Peter 3:9-11, Acts 14:17, Psalm 8:4-6].
2013-3-05 General vs Special Calling: Do you think some people have a special "drawing" or "calling" and others just have a general calling?
2013-3-05 Jesus Preaching in Hell (Prison): What does the passage mean when Jesus preached to the spirits in hell (prison)-in the days of Noah? Did He save people out of hell? [I Peter 3:19, 2 Peter 2, I Peter 1:10-12, Genesis 6].
2013-3-05 Steve Gregg's Idaho Days: When and where did you live in Idaho?
2013-3-04 God's Judgment Coming on America: What do you think about the prediction that God's Judgment is coming on America and we should flee? [Proverbs 22:3, Proverbs 27:12].
2013-3-04 Martyrdom, Tribulation & Persecution: Does not even the martyrs throughout history indicate great hope (Foxes Book of Martyrs)? Recommends topical lectures; "When Shall These Things Be?" [John 16:33, I Thessalonians 3:4].
2013-3-04 The Rapture vs the Pre-trib Rapture: Could you talk about the various views of the rapture and scripture about it, particularly the pre-trib rapture? [I Corinthians 15:51-53, I Thessalonians 4:15-17, John 6:49, 2 Thessalonians 1:6-9]
2013-3-04 Steve' Book on Revelation: Could you talk about the changes you made in the revision of your book on Revelation ("Revelation; Four Views")?
2013-3-04 Old Testament Not Speaking of Eternity: Why, in the Old Testament, was the focus so much on the descendants, and not about eternity, as in in the New Testament? [2 Timothy 1:10].
2013-3-04 Calvinism & "Whosoever Will": Could you discuss what Calvinist say about the scripture about "whosoever will" in Revelation? [Revelation 22:17, John 3:16].
2013-3-04 Jacob Wrestles the Angel: How do you explain the story of Jacob wrestling the Angel, and yet Jacob wins? [Genesis 32:22-31].
2013-3-04 Lying Acceptable ("Theocratic Tact" of the Jehovah's Witnesses): Since my wife has become a Jehovah Witness she uses the story in John 7 to support the idea that the children do not have to tell the whole truth. What say you? [John 7].
2013-3-01 Jesus Being Called, "Master": Could you talk about Jesus allowing the disciples to call Him, "Master"? [Matthew 23:9, Mark 9:35, Mark 10:44].
2013-3-01 Satan Knows the Authority of Scripture: Isn't Satan actually affirming the authority of the Bible by his using it when he tempted Christ? [Acts 19:15].
2013-3-01 Over-spiritualizing & Disagreeable: Other Christians who are disagreeable, critical, or who think they are the ones that are right (particularly on Steve Gregg).
2013-3-01 Steve's Income: Caller commends Steve for defending his ministry and income methods.
2013-3-01 Sovereignty & Foreknowledge Defined: Regarding the sovereignty of God, did God know everything and how everything will turn out (Omniscience, Omnipotence, Omnipresence)? [Isaiah 46, Isaiah 45:12, Luke 12:7, Matthew 10:29-30].
2013-3-01 Defining Sin & Doing the Right Thing: Are not the good works of unbelievers, not actually good, because they are not glorifying God? [Psalm 14:1-3, Psalm 19:1, Acts 2:37, Acts 7:54, Acts 26:14, Acts 17:26].
2013-3-01 "Free Will" & "Total Depravity" (Calvinism): Do people who believe in "free will", necessarily not believe in "Total Depravity"?
2013-3-01 Can the Unregenerated See Sin?: Can unregenerated people see their sin and inability to resist sin?
2013-3-01 Paul's Struggle with Sin: How do you resolve the conflict described in Paul's struggle with sin? [Romans 7:15-25, John 8:31-34].
2013-2-28 Disagreement-Church Replacing Israel (Replacement Theology): Caller makes points in disagreement with Steve about Israel being replaced by the church (Replacement Theology). Recommended topicl lecture; "What are we to Make of Israel?" [Jeremiah 33:19-26, Deuteronomy 7:6-9, Genesis 12:1-5, Luke 24:45, Galatians 3:16, Galatians 3:28, John 8:39-44, Romans 9:3, Jeremiah 18:7-10, Deuteronomy 28:1, Deuteronomy 28:45-46, Jeremiah 31:31-34, Hebrews 8:13].
2013-2-28 Israel Replaced: Could you clarify your position on Israel being replaced? [Deuteronomy 32:21].
2013-2-28 Calvinism-Personal Responsibilty: Can you clarify your position on personal responsibilty, and the idea people can't be held accountable if they can't do anything to resolve an issue (relative to God punishing people who have no choice)?
2013-2-28 Calvinism-The Dead Can't Choose: Why do you pass over the idea that people are "dead in trespasses and sins", and can't choose God? [Ephesians 2:1-10, Luke 15:24].
2013-2-28 Why Men Choose Bad: Why don't all men choose "good", if all man have a natural ability to do so? [John 6:44, Matthew 23:37].