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Date Topic Audio
2013-5-10 Buddhist View-Self: Buddhist considers the Buddhist and Christian views of "self?" [Job 5:7, John 16:27-28].
2013-5-10 The Kingdom Has Come: When Jesus said, "the kingdom is here," how did the apostles and other listerners understand it? [Exodus 19:5-6, Colossians 1:13, Luke 17:21, Luke 11:20, Matthew 12:28, Acts 17:7].
2013-5-10 Ex-Buddhist Responds to Previous Buddhist Caller: Former Buddhist responds to and corrects previous Buddhist caller and clarifies how mistaken he is about the similarities between Buddhism & Chrisitanity. Recommnds book by Ellis Potter.
2013-5-10 The "Days" in Daniel: Can you help me make sense of the "days" in Daniel 12? [Daniel 12:9-13].
2013-5-09 Josephus-Historian: Was Josephus a good historian? Did he write any scripture?
2013-5-09 Heaven-Immediately or Later: When someone dies, do they go immediately go to heaven, or do they lie in the grave for years? [Luke 23:43, Luke 16:19-31, Philippians 1:23, 2 Corinthians 5:8, Revelation 6:9].
2013-5-09 Socialism: Disagreeing caller comments on the value of Socialism.[Mark 10:25, Matthew 19:24, I Timothy 6:8].
2013-5-09 Loving Your Enemies: Is my pastor taking it too far if he implies that we should love a murdering terrorist, and perhaps because we didn't befriend him, we may have motivated him?
2013-5-09 Sin or Sinlessness: Could you comment on sin vs sinlessness in scripture, and these two verses that seem somewhat contradictory? [1 John 3:7-9, 1 John 1:8, Galatians 5:17, I John 2:1].
2013-5-09 Missing Books of the Bible Are there missing books of the Bible? [I Corinthians 5:9, Colossians 4:16].
2013-5-09 When Babies Die: Do babies go to heaven, and what would their lives be like in heaven? Do they remain babies there, or grow up there?
2013-5-09 The Gift of Tongues: Could you talk about the "gift of tongues" and if it is for all believers? Recommended: Topical lecture; "Charisma & Character."
2013-5-09 Marrying a Non-Christian: What do you think about marrying a woman who believes in Jesus, but has not committed to Jesus and become a Christian? [2 Corinthians 6:14].
2013-5-08 Catholic vs Protestant Interpretation of Scripture and the Hierarchy of the ; Catholic disagrees with the Protestant views and leans toward Catholic interpretations of scripture, particularly to the hierarchy of the church. [Matthew 21:33, John 20:21, Matthew 18, I Timothy 3:15, Matthew 20:25-29, Titus 1:5, James 5:14, John 20:23, Acts 15].
2013-5-08 Binding Satan (the Strong Man): Can you help me sort our the binding of Satan, the taking of the strong man's house, and Satan being loosed? [Luke 11:21, Mark 3:28, Matthew 12:29, Revelation 20:7, I Peter 5:8].
2013-5-08 The Unclean Widow: What made the widow unclean in Luke 4 paralleled to I Kings 17? [Luke 4:26-38, I Kings 17:7-16, Acts 10:9-16].
2013-5-08 Woman Taken in Adultery: Isn't it likely that Jesus wrote the Ten Commandments in the dust on the temple floor when he took the woman in adultery?
2013-5-08 Elijah & John the Baptist: Is there a contradiction in Matthew 11 and John1 when it talks about whether John the Baptist is Elijah? [John 1:21, Luke 1:17, Matthew 21:22, I Corinthians 2:14, Malachi 5:5-6].
2013-5-08 Communion (Lord's Supper): What can I do to please God more when I am taking communion? [I Corinthians 11:24, Luke 22:19].
2013-5-08 Helping a Socialist: What are your thoughts on someone who I have been financially helping, who I just learned is very socialistic? I now don't want to help anymore. How I should handle it? Recommended: Topical lecture, "Toward a Radical Christian Counter-culture."[1 Timothy 5:3, Matthew 25:22, Matthew 20:12, 2 Corinthians 8:15, 2 Corinthians 5:14, Exodus 16:18].
2013-5-08 "Heaping Coals on Their Head": Could you comment on the biblical phrase "to heap coals on their head?" [Romans 12:19-21, Proverbs 25:21-22, Matthew 5:44].
2013-5-07 Christian Authors: Are you familiar with the author, Rodney Stark?
2013-5-07 Secure Salvation: What is your position on eternal security, and a salvation that cannot be lost no matter what? [I Timothy 6:16, John 15, I John 5:11, John 15:6].
2013-5-07 Apostasy vs Sin Separation Us from God: Could you explain the verse "no one can pluck us out of His hand", but also scripture that says that sin separates us from Him and we are no longer His children?" [John 10:29, I John 1:9, Isaiah 53:6].
2013-5-07 Other Ministers; Steven Quayle: Are you familiar with Steven Quayle? He is all about "end times" and promotes "prepper" notions.
2013-5-07 Adulterous Woman & the Writing in the Dust: [Do you see a parallel between the story of the adulterous woman and what was written in the dust and the referenc in Jeremiah 17? [John 8:7, Jeremiah 17:13].
2013-5-07 Paradise, Hades, Hell, Sheol: Could you comment on the use of the word "paradise" as some commentators said, "sheol" another said "hell" ... and if "sheol" is where all people go?
2013-5-07 What are We to Buy?: What are we being told to buy in Revelation 3? [Revelation 3:17, I Peter 1:7].
2013-5-07 Newly Devoted Christians Dating Each Other: How do I know if we will or should get married? I just want to do the will of God. [I Corinthians 7:1-2].
2013-5-06 Pentateuch: What is the Pentateuch? Could the word be applied to books of the New Testament?
2013-5-06 Apathy about the Kingdom: Is the apathy we see about the advancement of the kingdom relative to the ineffectiveness of the churches? [Matthew 24:14, Acts 17:7, Matthew 6:33].
2013-5-06 Distraction with Dispensationalism: Do you think that premillennial Dispensationalism is a distraction to keep people from fully engaging our tasks?
2013-5-06 King James Bible: How was the King James Bible constructed? Why were the books limited to 66? What is wrong with the Catholic books (Apocrypha) that they are not included?
2013-5-06 Made in the Image of God: What is the proper view of being "made in the image of God" and the charge to become more like God, both in contrast to the danger of thinking ourselves like God (or gods), as in the New Age philosophy? [2 Peter 1:3-11, Genesis 3:5].
2013-5-06 Premillennial View: Thank you for commenting that having a premillennial view of the return of Christ doesn't necessarily mean one is not aware of our calling.
2013-5-06 Ecclesia: Did you teach that "ecclesia" is translated "church", "disciple" or "kingdom of God"?
2013-5-06 America's Decline: Caller shares an article about the moral and physical decline of America and suggests possible use in evangelizing. (google; type in "America Number One in stress fear anger & obesity"). [Ephesians 2:12, Psalm 144:15].
2013-5-06 Greek Words for "Rock": Are there two words in the Greek for "rock"- one for a larger rock, and one for smaller ones? [I Peter 2].
2013-5-06 Keys to the Kingdom: Could you comment on the "keys to the kingdom"? [Matthew 16:17-19, Matthew 18:18].
2013-5-03 Abrahamic Covenant Ritual: What was being communicated in the ritual of the Abrahamic covenant, when they passed through the two cut animal parts? [Hebrews 6:13-20, Genesis 15:9-13, Isaiah 62:1].
2013-5-03 Difference between the Old & New Covenants: What is the difference between the Old & New Covenants, because both are conditional and require obedience and faith? Was there no salvation in the old covenant? If there was, how would the Hebrews get salvation? Recommends lecture on Hebrews 11. [Genesis 15:6, Hebrews 11:6].
2013-5-03 God Swears by or to Himself: Is God swearing to Himself in Hebrews when the ritual is described? [Hebrews 6:13-20].
2013-5-03 Buddhist Caller; Something Greater: Isn't it natural to want to trust in something greater than ourselves, especially when we are aging and facing decay and death, which is what we often call God? [1 John 2:1-2, Ecclesiastes 7:2].
2013-5-03 God Gets Permission to Act in Prayer: Someone said "when we pray, we give God permission to act", but it didn't sit right with me. What do you think? [Psalm 115:16, Genesis 1].
2013-5-03 Number of Years Given to Man (lifespan): Is there a contradiction between scriptures saying we have 70 vs 120 years? [Psalm 90:70, Genesis 6:3, Genesis 10].
2013-5-03 120 Years Promised to Man: I think the 120 years were promised to mankind. [Genesis 6:3].
2013-5-03 Age of Man: Comment; Moses was just making an observation about how long people were living. [Psalm 90:10].
2013-5-03 Bible Text Completed: The church I am attending seems to think that the scripture "when that which is perfect has come" refers to the New Testament, and that the gifts of the Spirit have ceased. What do you think? [1 Corinthians 13:10-11, 1 Corinthians 1:7].
2013-5-02 Early Church Structure: You stated that the "Plymouth Brethren" denomination was a good example of early church structure-what about the important purposes of the priests as in my Catholic Church? [Matthew 21:33, John 21-22, 1 Corinthians 10:21, Romans 15:15, Romans 12:1, 1 Peter 2:5, Hebrews 13:15, Jeremiah 31:34, 1 John 2:27].
2013-5-02 "Jesus" or "God" Blessings: Does it make any difference if one says, "Jesus bless you" vs "God bless you." [Acts 7:59, Revelation 22:20].