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Date Topic Audio
2020-9-09 God Suffering the Death of His Child: Did God suffer like we do when we have to put our children in the ground? [2 Corinthians 5].
2020-9-09 Why Does God Make Any That Will Not Believe?: Since God knows who will accept Him, why would He still make people if they will be consigned to hell?
2020-9-08 Confessing Sins of One's Ancestors: In Nehemiah, it appears that God's people confessed the sins of their ancestors, so how would that apply to us today, and concerns like "Black Lives Matters"? [Nehemiah 9:3, Exodus 20].
2020-9-08 Calling People Unflattering Names: If I call a politician an evil moron, am I in danger of hellfire? [Matthew 5:22, I John]
2020-9-08 God Trying to Kill Moses: Why did God try to kill Moses in Exodus? [Exodus 4:24-26].
2020-9-08 Andrew of Caesarea: Are you familiar with Andrew (Andreas) of Caesarea's commentary from 1614 and did you figure out what his view of Revelation was? [Revelatioin 13].
2020-9-08 Observance of the Sabbath Day & Ten Commandments: Does the fact that observance of the Sabbath Day is listed in The Ten Commandments solidify it as one that we should still observe? [Genesis 2:2, John 5:17, Romans 13:9-10, Colossians 2:16-17]. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Steve Gregg's answer continues after the break.)
2020-9-08 Why Pray: What is the purpose of prayer, if God doesn't change His mind, and things are established already? [2 Kings 20, I John 5:14-15].
2020-9-08 Church Finances & Transparency: Is it mandatory for pastors to be transparent about the church's finances?
2020-9-08 Praying for Petty Things: Can one pray for things that are just too petty to be prayed for?
2020-9-08 Motivation to Kill Abel & Jesus: What was the motivation for Cain to kill Abel, and for the people to kill Christ? [I John 3:12, Mark 15:10, Matthew 27:18].
2020-9-08 Worshipping on the Sabbath: Is it not clear that Jesus went to synagogue on the Sabbath and that is enough for us to do the same? [Luke 4:16, John 5:30, Daniel 7:25].
2020-9-04 Occult, Clairvoyants, and Fortune Telling: Is it ever acceptable to seek guidance from clairvoyants and fortune tellers? [Deuteronomy 18:9-13, Isaiah 8:19, Galatians 5].
2020-9-04 Calvinism's Effectually Called: Is the Calvinistic idea we are chosen without free will, as in "the calling from eternity past" defended in scripture? [I Corinthians 1:24-25, Isaiah 65, Matthew 22:14, Matthew 23:37, Luke 13:34, Romans 8:28, 2 Peter 3:9].
2020-9-04 Bad Kings Ordained by God-Leadership in the Future: Why did God allow bad kings? Were they ordained by God? Can the same thing happen again in the future in the United States? [Hosea 8:4, Romans 13:1, Daniel 2:21, Proverbs 21:1, Acts 5:12].
2020-9-04 Where is your alternate site,
2020-9-04 Fallen Away-Once Partaken of Heavenly Gift: Does God's sovereignty relate to the verse in Hebrews about one who has received the heavenly gift, but has fallen away not being able to return? [Hebrew 6:4].
2020-9-04 God's Sovereignty Defined: What does it mean to you to say that God is sovereign?
2020-9-04 Day of Atonement and Sacrifice Fulfilled in Christ: Could you talk about the day of atonement and the phrase "no more conscience of sin"? [Hebrews 10:2-12].
2020-9-04 Passing Through the Pieces of the Sacrificed Animal: Could you talk about the religious rites and symbolism of the Old Testament, such as passing through the pieces of the sacrificed animal? [Genesis 15, Deuteronomy 4:20, Jeremiah 11:4, I Kings 8:51, Isaiah 62:1].
2020-9-04 Getting on the Narrow Path: Contemplating on the verse about "the narrow path", I am concerned that myself and some of my friends are not really on it. Can you help direct me? [Matthew 7:13-14, Matthew 26:41, James 3:2, Matthew 16:24, I John, Revelation 7:9, John 13:35].
2020-9-04 The Death Penalty: What do you think should be the Christian view of the death penalty? [Genesis 9, Romans 12-13]
2020-9-03 Limitations of Government: How does one sort the limitations of government's legitimate authority?
2020-9-03 Subjection to Government: Could you talk about subjecting oneself to government to avoiding wrath and a bad conscience? [Romans 13:5].
2020-9-03 Principalities: Observations and disagreement about the word "principalities."
2020-9-03 "Wisdom" as Woman in Proverbs: Why is "Wisdom described as a woman in Proverbs?
2020-9-03 Wisdom's Voice as Little Girl's: What do you say to someone who says that wisdom, in the voice of a little girl, has spoken to them?
2020-9-03 Requiring the Same Kind of Worship Activity: Will it result in a stricter judgment if we require other's to worship in a way that was not exactly directed by Jesus? [Matthew 7:2, I Samuel 15:23, John 4:24].
2020-9-03 The Over-reach of Government: Comment on over-reach of government.[Romans 13, Matthew 5:40, I Peter 2:13-14].
2020-9-03 Illustration of The Trinity: Comment on the clarity of the illustration for "the trinity", as "God as sun, Jesus as the light, and the Holy Spirit as the heat."
2020-9-03 Bidden/ Harris Ticket: Would you comment on the Bidden/ Harris ticket potential for harming our government?
2020-9-03 Christian Fiction Writer of "Harbinger", Jonathan Cahn: Have you read the books by Jonathan Cahn, "The Harbinger"?
2020-9-03 Controlling One's Temper: Could you give me advise on how to control my temper better?
2020-9-03 When Anger is Not Sin: If I used my anger in a positive way, then is it no longer sinful? [Isaiah 53:7, Ephesians 4:26-30].
2020-9-03 The Trinity Illustration of the Sun: Caller shares his use of the same illustration of the trinity as the son, and compares the Word to thoughts. [Psalm 19:1].
2020-9-03 Declaring Outcomes & Demands in the Lord's Name: What do you think of those who "declare" or "cut-off" something or insist that we have the power to make demands? [Luke 10:19, Jude 9, Zechariah 3:2].
2020-9-03 Christians Hating Democrats: Why do so many Christians seem to hate Democrats and Black Lives Matter?
2020-9-02 Atoning Death of Jesus: Was Jesus' death what atoned for our sins, or what there more to it? [Isaiah 53:6, I Peter 2:24, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Revelation 14:10].
2020-9-02 Who Shall Separate Us from Christ?: Is Paul arguing that our love for God is what would prevent us from ever separating from God, and perhaps not just God's love for us? [Romans 8:31-39].
2020-9-02 Christ Dying for Our Sins, Past, Present, Future: Did Christ's suffering on the cross include feeling the pain of my sins, as He actually felt them at that moment also-sort of outside of time? [Revelation 18:8].
2020-9-02 Jesus' Amount of Suffering Due to Enormity of Sins He bore: Did Jesus suffer more on the cross because He was suffering for such an infinite number sins? [Revelation 13:8].
2020-9-02 If God Knows My Future, How Am I Accountable?: If God knows my future, then how am I accountable for where I end up?
2020-9-02 The Beast and an Unbeliever's Doubts: A non-believer comments on his view of the possible meaning of the beast being the internet . He also comments how the predictions of Jesus' return damaged his view. [Revelation 13].
2020-9-02 Salvation, Powers and Principalities: Could you comment on salvation and the powers and principalities, and the relationship between them? [Titus 3:1, Hebrews 1:14, Ephesians 6].
2020-9-02 Jesus Not Needed for the Jew: Is the verse about turning from our "wicked ways" and "healing the land" in 2 Chronicles still applicable to us today? Can this be used to defend an argument that Jesus is not needed for Jews to claim God? [2 Chronicles 7:14, Deuteronomy 18:15-18, Hebrews 11:10, Hebrews 11:15].
2020-9-02 Sentences Structure and Meaning in 2 Corinthians: Could you help me with the sentence structure in 2 Corinthians 1:19 and who "it" is? [2 Corinthians 1:17-19].
2020-9-02 Gap Theory and the Creation: Could you talk about the idea that the earth "became" void and its ramifications? [Genesis 1:1-2].
2020-9-02 Encouragement for Unbeliever: Caller encourages the earlier caller to keep seeking the Lord. [Matthew 7:7}
2020-9-01 Causes to Break-off Fellowship or Church Discipline: You have said that many things are not enough to break fellowship over, so what things ARE worthy of breaking fellowship over?
2020-9-01 Rebroadcasts of Narrow Path Radio Program: Does the Narrow Path Ministry have to pay for additional air-time when radio stations rebroadcasts it during other parts of the day, when it's not live?