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Showing 19,501 to 19,550 of 24,566.
Date Topic Audio
2015-8-12 Believing Existence of God: Listener really wants to believe in God but needs more evidence, especially when a lack of answered prayer & miracles happen.
2015-8-12 Being Gentle in Delivering Truth: How does Steve have the ability to be gentle & have humility w/ people who don't quite believe what we believe yet? How do we get people to read the Bible?
2015-8-11 Satan Putting Thoughts in Mind: Can Satan put thoughts in our mind, & does that mean he can get in the mind of a Christian, & can he read our thoughts?
2015-8-11 Abandoning Judaism to Follow Jesus: Did Jesus tell the Jewish people to abandon what they believed & to follow Him?
2015-8-11 Age of Accountability: Can Steve please explain the "Age of Accountability"?
2015-8-11 Calendars: When did we start keeping calendars? How far back would we have to go?
2015-8-11 Website Forum: Is there a place one can go on the website to ask questions?
2015-8-11 Trinity: Can Steve please explain the Trinity? [John 1]
2015-8-11 Shaking of the Heavens & the Earth (Follow-up): Caller thinks the shakeup might be Jews having victory over their Adversaries. [Haggai 26, Acts 2]
2015-8-10 Curses: What does this Passage in Malachi mean? Who is to come? What is the Great & Terrible Day of the Lord? [Malachi 4:5-6]
2015-8-10 Atonement: Steve doesn't believe physical healing is in the Atonment, but Spiritual Healing, but Dr. Michael Brown disagrees w/ that. [Isaiah 53:5, Matthew 8:17]
2015-8-10 Church Division: Did Steve say that the leadership over-sight has the power to limit what a speaker says?
2015-8-10 Abomination of Desolation: Steve thinks the Abomination of Desolation is the armies surrounding the city of Jerusalem but caller has a problem w/ a man or a person constituting the abomination of abominatio of because of certain Scriptures in the Bible. What is the "it" if it's the armies? [Matthew 24:15, Mark 13:14].
2015-8-07 12 Tribes of Israel: Steve said the 12 Tribes of Israel couldn't be identified after Babylon, but if that's the case, what about the 144,000 in Revelation?
2015-8-07 70 AD Holocaust: How many Jews were living in Judea right before the 70 AD Siege? How many died? Does it having any bearing on [Zechariah 13:8]?
2015-8-07 Fossil Record: There's Fossil Record that animals ate each other & had deformities before the Fall, so how can there Death & Disease before the Fall?
2015-8-07 Book of Enoch: What does Steve think of the Book of Enoch & how come it's not included in our canon of Scripture?
2015-8-07 Swords: Why did Jesus tell His disciples to get swords & then told them not to use them? [Luke 22:36-38]
2015-8-07 Homosexual Marriages: Caller wanted to do Bible studies on Homosexuality, find all the verses that talk about it, w/ his church leadership, because of the things that are being allowed, but they said no.
2015-8-07 Adultery (fornication) & 10 Commandments: Anything outside of marriage is adultery, but caller means to say fornication, but she thinks obeying the 10 commandents would solve the problem.
2015-8-07 Taking up Swords: Caller wants to chime in about taking up swords, causing division in the Human race to follow Him, some people would obey Him, some would not.
2015-8-06 Equality w/ God - Trinity: (followup from day before) "Isn't Equality w/ God talking about the Trinity? Steve never mentioned about the Trinity, she says.
2015-8-06 Sprinkling for Baptism: Where did this idea of Sprinkling for Baptism originate? [Ezekiel 36:25, Joel 2:29-29]
2015-8-06 Parable of the 10 Virgins: Can Steve please explain the 10 Virgins Parable & how do we determine if we are the 5 foolish ones or the 5 wise ones?
2015-8-06 Parables of Jesus: Are the Parables that Jesus shares a result of true, real stories?
2015-8-06 Gospel of John: Who wrote the Gospel of John?
2015-8-06 Lazarus: Did Lazarus possibly write the book? Was he an apostle?
2015-8-06 Jack Gregg: Are you related to a Jack Gregg who I worked for for 20 years?
2015-8-06 Jesus Becoming Aware of who He was: When did Jesus become aware that He was the Son of God?
2015-8-06 Jesus Returning: When Jesus comes back is He going to be in a flesh, physical body & is EVERYONE going to see Him, including the wicked? (Acts 1:9-11)
2015-8-06 4 Headed Beasts in Revelation: Is this talking about the way the Levitical Priests went through the desert, & so Revelation 5 having something to do w/ that? [Revelation 5]
2015-8-06 Transformed into Christ: What is the purpose of going through process of the trials & tribulations in order to be transformed? Why can't we just skip it all & be in the image of Christ immediately? [Romans 8:29, 12:1-2, Hebrews 2:10]
2015-8-05 God forgets our Sin: God forgets our sins, it says in the Old Testament, the Sea of Forgetfulness, but it also says every idle word will be held against us? [Micah 7:9, Matthew 12:36]
2015-8-05 Loving Your Enemies: God was pretty severe w/ His own people, let alone His own enemies, but how do we reconcile the way He is in the New Testament?
2015-8-05 One Resurrection For All: How do Dispensationalists get the idea that there's going to be 2 resurrections, separated by 1,000 years? [John 5:28-29]
2015-8-05 "Equality w/ God": Caller is having a hard time w/ the phrase, "Who did not think equality w/ God a thing to be grasped", & would like Steve's thoughts if he could grasp what it means. [Philippians 2:1-11]
2015-8-05 Demon-Possession Lectures: What happened to your Demon-possession Lectures?
2015-8-05 Shaking the Heavens & the Earth: Is there a fulfillment that was fulfilled during Haggai's Day or just the institution of the New Covenant? [Haggai 2:6, Hebrews 12:26]
2015-8-05 Jesus Being a Racist: Caller was reading an article saying that Jesus was a racist because He used a racial slur. [Mark 7:27-28, Matthew 15:26-27]
2015-8-04 Laughter is Medicine: Is there any verse in the Bible about Laughter being good for the soul? [Proverbs 17:2]
2015-8-04 The Date During Noah's Flood: Could they keep track of the years back then? Do we know the date way back then?
2015-8-04 Tabernacle: Caller would like to know about the Tabernacle.
2015-8-04 Catholics & the Apocrypha: Are the Romans Catholics the ONLY church that use the Apocrypha?
2015-8-04 Marriage Advice: Why is it best NOT to get a divorce despite infidelity, the caller would like Steve to explain. [Malachi 2:16]
2015-8-04 Day of the Lord: Are we to take 1 Peter 3 literally or apocalyptically? Was it talking about 70 AD or the end times? {1 Peter 3]
2015-8-04 Pope's Visit: What does Steve think about the Pope's Visit & addressing the US Congress? Isn't prophecy fulfilling itself in Revelation 13?
2015-8-04 Martin Luther: Why was Martin Luther Anti-Semitic, going against both the Jews & the Peasants?
2015-8-03 Absent from the Body, Present w/ the Lord: What kind of body do we have in Heaven? So we're naked there? [Philippians 1:21-23]
2015-8-03 Defending Yourself w/ Firearms: What does the Bible say about defending yourself w/ guns?
2015-8-03 Meekness: What does being meek mean? [Matthew 5:5]